- PAPER ART Project -

Paper Art Gown Documentary

a short film made by Angelika Dlugozima

- The Paper Art Project -

is all paper made


Project includes:

Full size wearable paper gown ,

Paper ART album - pop up book style,

a documentary video,

a project CD in a kirigami box,

and an ebook.



The Paper Art ebook is free to download

in iBooks and iTunes.



Bachelors of the Arts Diploma work by Angelika Długozima

@ Pracownia Multimediów SNM PJA 2008.

- The Paper Art Album -

The Album for the project has evolved in it's form from a tradition editorial A4 formal,

to a Craft book then a Pop-up book, and finally to the Diamond Fold Book.


Several changes had to be made and a few chapters were dropped in the process. While some Pop up ideas were saved for the additional fold pages in the final album.


The Diamond fold construction pages allowed for keeping some pop up ideas, others we left out all together dew to the mechanics of opening and closing the book.


The album had to be certain page width that allowed for a fluent read - opening and closing a book that folds up gets harder the bigger the format is, and all text to be read - then the format can't be too small.


Paper Art Album - opened page by page

Paper Art Album - opened full

The art of

Compact Disk Cover Boxes

is becoming similar

to the Vinyl Covers,

it's a relic of an era

and it's rare

to have a physical

copy than a digital one.


Not many Projects

are distributed in a physical form

due to the download-able media.


So when something becomes

distributed in a medium of CD/DVD's

the packaging should get creative.

- The Project CD Box -

- The Paper Art Gown -

The Paper Gown is full size and for a time was wearable - after the finalization of the project the gown had to be glued down on the manikin to ensure it didn't get dislocated and damaged, Since the paper will slowly bend and fall down under it's own weight.


The collar is wearable and The Big rose is detachable.


The dress is composed of a crushed paper tulle underline dress, a paper corset tied with twisted paper cords and a free-cut paper skirt.

The Paper Art ebook is free to download

in iBooks and iTunes.